2011 Airshows
Tyndall AFB, FL
NAS Fort Worth JRB, TX
Indianapolis Regional, IN
Terre Haute, IN Open House
Monticello, IN Open House
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
Cincinnati, OH B-29
Appearance Hamilton, ONT
Kokomo, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan, IN
City, FL Willow Run, MI
Indianapolis Regional, IN
Indianapolis Executive, IN
Grissom Aeroplex Huey Homecoming, IN
Selfridge ANGB, MI
Mattoon, IL
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Janesville, WI
NAS Oceana, VA
Watervliet, MI
Coles County Air Show 2011
Photo Review
Warbirds at Coles County, Mattoon, IL -
August 27, 2011
This great little one day show in central
Illinois is in its tenth year and with the exception of a crop duster that
flew several passes all of the static and flying displays were warbirds.
No flip-flops or whippy-dips here. There were four warbird aerobatic
routines which in order of aerobatic demonstration were Clyde Zellers in
his SNJ, Dave Folk in his F4U Corsair, Mike Gillian in his FM-2
Wildcat, and the Red Thunder formation aerobatic team. Put this on
your list for 2012. The warbirds are great and the price is right.
Free parking and admission.

B-2 bomber inbound for a pass as seen from behind Dave Folk's Corsair.

Clyde Zellers takes off for the start of his great warbird aerobatic

Clyde on his way up.

The weather was a little warm (read that as
hot) but the sky was great as Clyde makes a photo pass for the crowd.

A surprise aircraft at the show was Mike Gillian out of Chicago with his
FM-2. Mike's Wildcat was not listed in the advertising for the
event. However, we like surprises like this.

Mike makes a pass while he waits for his
friend Dave Folk to come up.

The crowd watches and listens to the Corsair's R-2800 engine as Dave Folk
taxies out.

Mike and Clyde team up for a formation pass.

Dave continues his taxi with Clyde and Mike in the background.

Clyde makes one last pass down the runway with
the aircraft of the Red Thunder Airshow Team.

Dave starts his aerobatic routine.

Time for some formation passes with Dave
Folk's Corsair and Mike Gillian's Wildcat.

Dave folded his wings for the crowd when he came back in.

Mike was up next with his Wildcat solo routine.

Red Thunder!

Red Thunder Bombburst!

On static display was this T-6D owned by Gaillard Aviation in St. Louis.
Kevin Kegin is the individual behind the corporate name.

Jordan and Nicky Brown from Center Point, IN had their C-45 on display.

BFT of Terre Haute, IN also had its T-6D on

The third static T-6D on the field is owned by AAS in Ovid, MI.

This Aeronca L-16 belongs to Curtis Debaun of Terre Haute, IN.

Tyndall AFB, FL
NAS Fort Worth JRB, TX
Indianapolis Regional, IN
Terre Haute, IN Open House
Monticello, IN Open House
Reading, PA WWII Weekend
Cincinnati, OH B-29
Appearance Hamilton, ONT
Kokomo, IN
Indianapolis Metropolitan, IN
City, FL Willow Run, MI
Indianapolis Regional, IN
Indianapolis Executive, IN
Grissom Aeroplex Huey Homecoming, IN
Selfridge ANGB, MI
Mattoon, IL
Marion, IN
Waukegan, IL
Janesville, WI
NAS Oceana, VA
Watervliet, MI