Barrancas, FL Ft.
Concho, TX Ft. Clatsop, OR Fort
Greenville, OH
Ft. Hawkins, GA Fort
Jefferson, FL Fort
Jefferson, OH
Ft. Langley, BC
Ft. Martin Scott, TX
Fort Morgan, AL
Fort Moultrie, SC
Ft. Pitt, PA
Ft. Recovery, OH
Fort Sumter, SC
Ft. Wayne, IN
Historic Forts
Fort Martin Scott,
Fredericksburg, TX - November 14, 2009
I found this on traveling west to
Fredericksburg on US 290 after leaving the LBJ Ranch. It is just
SE of Fredericksburg. Research shows that the fort had a stockade
that surrounded the buildings.


This would be where the well was located.

Each marker describes the building that would be located there, such as

Reconstructed Officers Quarters
Barrancas, FL Ft.
Concho, TX Ft. Clatsop, OR Fort
Greenville, OH
Ft. Hawkins, GA Fort
Jefferson, FL Fort
Jefferson, OH
Ft. Langley, BC
Ft. Martin Scott, TX
Fort Morgan, AL
Fort Moultrie, SC
Ft. Pitt, PA
Ft. Recovery, OH
Fort Sumter, SC
Ft. Wayne, IN