Barrancas, FL Ft.
Concho, TX Ft. Clatsop, OR Fort
Greenville, OH
Ft. Hawkins, GA Fort
Jefferson, FL Fort
Jefferson, OH
Ft. Langley, BC
Ft. Martin Scott, TX
Fort Morgan, AL
Fort Moultrie, SC
Ft. Pitt, PA
Ft. Recovery, OH
Fort Sumter, SC
Ft. Wayne, IN
Historic Forts
Fort Clatsop,
Astoria, Oregon - May 27, 2012
This reproduction of the Fort that the Lewis
and Clark expedition built for its stay in Oregon over the winter of
1805-06 is very well done and based on an original documentation by
William Clark.



The Main Gate.

Looking straight in the main gate of Fort Clatsop. We are looking

Looking in the main compound at the front

The big chimney is the room that Lewis and
Clark had.

Inside a room.

Note that the chimney is wood. I do not know what material the
fireplace is but looks to be one piece. Something to investigate
on my return trip.

Looking in the back gate.
The outside wall.

Barrancas, FL Ft.
Concho, TX Ft. Clatsop, OR Fort
Greenville, OH
Ft. Hawkins, GA Fort
Jefferson, FL Fort
Jefferson, OH
Ft. Langley, BC
Ft. Martin Scott, TX
Fort Morgan, AL
Fort Moultrie, SC
Ft. Pitt, PA
Ft. Recovery, OH
Fort Sumter, SC
Ft. Wayne, IN